3 Main Causes of Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps grow on the lining of our nasal passages. Usually, they are soft and painless in nature. On the lining of nasal passages, nasal polyps hang down like teardrops or grapes. If nasal polyps are small and minute, then they do not cause any problems. But if they grow continuously, they can block your nasal passages and lead to breathing problems, loss of smell, and infections.
Nasal polyps are majorly the result of chronic inflammation associated with asthma, medication sensitivity, and certain immune disorders. Scroll down to know what causes nasal polyps.
What causes nasal polyps?
1. Recurring sinus infections
Chronic sinusitis or long-term sinus infections impact the quality of life. This is somewhat similar to various life-threatening conditions such as congestive heart failure. Some of the common symptoms of chronic sinus infections include nasal discharge, which are primarily thick yellow or green liquids, mucus dripping down the back of the throat, pressure or tenderness in the face, stuffy nose, headache, and lack of sense of smell. If these symptoms persist and go on for a long time, nasal polyps start developing in the linings of our nasal passages.
2. Asthma
If you want to know what causes nasal polyps, you will also have to take into account the chronic symptoms of asthma. The symptoms of asthma make breathing difficult. In serious conditions, it can hamper various physical activities and even makes them impossible in some cases. Asthma occurs when the lining of your airways swell, and the muscles around them get tightened. In such a condition, mucus then fills the airways. Due to this, the passing of air becomes difficult. Such conditions sometimes lead to an asthma attack. An asthma attack involves continuous coughing and tightness in your chest.
3. Hay fever
People with the symptoms of allergic rhinitis or chronic hay fever are more prone to develop nasal polyps than others. Hay fever primarily leads to common cold-like symptoms. These include runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing, and sinus pressure. The important point, which we need to note here, is that unlike cold, hay fever isn’t caused by a virus. Hay fever is the result of infections caused by various indoor or outdoor allergens. These allergens included pollen, dust mites, or pet dander. The symptoms of hay fever can make your life miserable by impacting the quality of life. In general, its symptoms can affect your performance at school and work. Moreover, the symptoms of hay fever are very annoying. Hence, the way to preventing is to avoid its likely triggers.
These are some of the reasons that cause nasal polyps. The symptoms of nasal polyps are more common among middle-aged adults though they can occur at any age.