4 Lifestyle Tips to Manage Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an infection that affects the liver. Caused by the hepatitis C virus, it is quite prevalent. It spreads through the blood or bodily fluids of the person infected by the virus. There are quite a few symptoms that surface, and while it may be challenging, it is manageable. A huge part of this relates to stress, diet, and exercise. Here are some valuable hepatitis C management tips.
1. Shed excess weight
The health of your liver depends on your weight. Managing your weight and keeping it at a healthy level will prevent the virus from acting up. When you are overweight, the fat buildup in the liver can increase. This may lead to a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Developing this condition when you have hepatitis C may increase the risk of getting cirrhosis. Further, many medications that are prescribed for hepatitis C may not be as effective if you are overweight. Among the many hepatitis C management tips, you will find combining a healthy diet with simple exercises is one of the top ones.
2. Lower alcohol consumption
One of the best hepatitis C management tips is to refrain from consuming any alcohol. There is sufficient proof that excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the liver. While this may be true for everyone, for those with hepatitis C, it can have more serious repercussions. It dramatically increases the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. While there is no proof about the amount of alcohol that is all right for those suffering from hepatitis C, alcohol must be completely avoided.
3. Dietary and nutrition needs
What you need is a balanced and nutritional diet that can support a less-than-healthy liver function normally. Doing this will not only put less pressure on your liver, but it can help you reach a healthy weight that will prevent complications. Some things to remember in hepatitis C management tips are:
- Choose healthy whole-grains
- Reduce fatty or processed foods
- Add a healthy dash of fruits and vegetables to your meals
- Do not follow fad diets that may be too extreme
4. Fight fatigue and stress
Those with hepatitis C constantly feel tired or extreme fatigue. There are many ways by which you can cope with it. Always make sure you plan your days. If it so happens that your workday has been tiring, then include a few naps during the day. Make sure that you space out your strenuous activities in a way that they are not packed together on any single day. If it is possible to opt for flexible hours of work or that you can work from home, then you must explore those options. Include some activities like golfing, swimming, or others to de-stress.
These are some valuable tips that you can incorporate in your life to manage hepatitis C.