5 Yummy Smoothies for Managing Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is known to specifically affect the joints. And some green smoothies discused herein contain plenty of nutrients and vitamins that promote weight reduction and decrease the strain due to arthritis. These green smoothies for arthritis are also helpful in the reduction of inflammation and discomfort too. Let’s take a look.
1. Carrot and Pineapple Smoothie
Carrot and pineapple smoothie is great for joint pain and inflammations. The spinach included in it gives it that healthy green glow, while orange, pineapple, and carrots provide plenty of fresh flavors. The ingredients you need to prepare a carrot and pineapple smoothie include
- 2 large chopped carrots
- 1 and a half cup of cubed pineapple
- 1 whole orange
- 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 2 cups of spinach
- Half a teaspoon of fresh finger
- 8 ounces of water
2. Guava-Strawberry Smoothie
Guava and strawberry smoothie is one of the delicious summery drinks. This drink relies on spinach for its green hue and is a powerhouse of healthy vitamins and minerals. Thus, this green smoothie for arthritis has acquired properties to fight joint pain. Besides, this drink is rich in vitamin C and, thus, reduces the inflammation and discomfort caused by arthritis. These are the ingredients you will need for these green smoothies for arthritis:
- Half a cup of guava
- 1 cup of strawberries
- 2 frozen bananas
- 4 cups of spinach
- 6 ounces of water
3. Grapefruit-Pineapple Smoothie
The grapefruit-pineapple smoothie contains pineapple as its main ingredients. And pineapple is one of the great fruits for people with joint pain and arthritis because of its bromelain content. Bromelain is an enzyme that’s proven effective in treating osteoarthritis. For grapefruit-pineapple smoothie, you will need
- Half a grapefruit
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup of cubed pineapple
- Half a cucumber
- Half a cup of fresh cilantro
- 6 ounces of water
4. Kiwi-Kale Smoothie
A kiwi-kale smoothie is best for people with arthritis. It contains a great quantity of kale rich in carotenoids that fight the pain-causing inflammation and other joint problems. If you want this super smoothie, you will need
- 2 cups of chopped kale
- 2 peeled kiwi fruits
- 1 peeled orange
- 1 peeled mango
- 6 ounces of water
5. Mango-Melon Smoothie
Mangoes and melons are always a supremely delicious combination. And when you mix celery into it, the mango and melon smoothie becomes a joint pain healer, especially for people with the symptoms of arthritis. Celery is a natural diuretic and helps in flushing away the uric crystals that are responsible for the flare-up of arthritic symptoms. For the mango-melon smoothie, you will need
- 2 mangoes
- 6 strawberries with the tops
- 2 cups of cubed cantaloupe
- 2 chard leaves
- 1 stalk of celery
- 2 cups of fresh spinach
- 6 ounces of water
These are some of the great green smoothies for arthritis. Always focus on including a healthy quantity of vegetables and fruits.