6 Foods That Aggravate Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a condition where you might notice symptoms like diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, among others. This occurs when sores appear on the inner lining of the colon. Every time your colon is involved in the digestion of the food you consume, these sores might create problems. This is why it is important to know about the worst foods for ulcerative colitis to keep the symptoms at bay.
Worst foods for ulcerative colitis
1. Dairy products
Lactose intolerance is very common in people with ulcerative colitis. If that is the case, it would be a good idea to avoid dairy products like milk. But you can add milk to your diet in moderation if you are not lactose intolerant.
2. Brown rice and whole-grain products
The fiber in whole grains is a very healthy ingredient for most individuals. But this could be a troublemaker for ulcerative colitis patients. Millets and bulgur wheat can be quite difficult on the stomach. Oats and brown rice are the other common triggers.
3. Caffeine in all forms
Coffee and tea are common sources of caffeine. Then there is chocolate and a few other energy drinks loaded with this stimulant. Too much caffeine in the diet can lead to hyperactivity of the intestine and thus worsen diarrhea.
4. Dry fruits and nuts
These are healthy snacks and can also be used to supplement the essential micronutrients in your diet. But these are the worst foods for ulcerative colitis patients. The fiber in dried fruits can trigger flare-ups. Nuts like hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, and macadamia are all fiber-rich foods and should be avoided. Besides avoiding eating nuts, one should also try and avoid consuming nut butter.
5. Fatty meat items
These can put a strain on the colon. Meats that affect the colon during digestion can lead to an aggravation of ulcerative colitis symptoms. Another problem could be due to meat products that contain sulfates.
6. Salads
Raw vegetable salads make you feel full for a long duration because the colon takes a long time to digest them. Keeping your colon active for a long time can be bad if you are suffering from ulcerative colitis. Adding a salad to your meal plan might make you feel bloated. Some might also experience cramping upon including fibrous vegetables and veggies like onions, broccoli, cabbage, and celery.
Avoid these worst foods for ulcerative colitis so that you do not experience cramping or sudden abdominal pain or diarrhea. There are also some comfort foods that can be added to the regular diet. The key is to keep the salt intake as well as the intake of fiber, fats, and calories within limits.