6 Soups that Help Fight Cold and Flu
When you are feeling sick, soups are the best thing to have. Soups, whether creamy or clear with a dash of spices, can help fight any infection. Additionally, they can be had for their immunity-boosting power anytime, even if one is not sick. Flu- and cold-fighting soups are easy on the palate and can help relieve congestion while nourishing and hydrating. Here is a list of flu- and cold-fighting soups.
1. Hot and sour shrimp soup
The soup is made from homemade shrimp stock. Adding lemon and lime zest, straw mushrooms, cooked salad shrimp, Asian fish sauce, and green onions make it light and filling soup. You could use low sodium chicken broth as an alternative. The spicy and sour combination is just the right thing to beat the cold.
2. Garlic spinach soup
A comforting soup, it uses the goodness of garlic and ginger with the nutrition of chicken. Bring added taste with zucchini, cellophane noodles, and spinach. You can serve it with soya sauce as well. You can make a vegetarian variant by replacing chicken broth and chicken with vegetable broth and tofu.
3. Miso soup
Another nutritious one among the flu-fighting soups, miso soup is cooked using kelp. Kelp is dried seaweed. Packed with the goodness of vegetables like celery, carrots, bok choy, and scallions, miso soup helps flush out toxins from your body. You can also add minced garlic and ginger just before it is done to enhance its cold-fighting ability. You need to add either yellow or red miso paste as per your taste. Red miso is saltier and stronger, while yellow is sweet and creamier.
4. Chicken and rice soup
It is a healthy soup with the goodness of diced chicken. It is made with cooked rice for a satisfying feeling. Both chicken and rice are a good source of protein. Seasonings like thyme, parsley, black pepper, celery, and bay leaf with an added zest of lime compliment this soup. You can add carrots and green onion for their anti-viral properties and a more flavorful taste.
5. Tomato fennel basil soup
Go for this light soup if you want to have a hearty fill without heavy ingredients. It is good to fight any infection that ails you. You can add low sodium chicken broth and fresh garnishing. Packed with numerous antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this soup is sure to boost immunity.
6. Butternut squash soup
Butternut squash contains an anti-inflammatory compound that staves off bacteria and viruses. It also contains Vitamin C for an extra boost. You can make it as per your preference by replacing cayenne with curry powder and apple juice instead of cider.
Even if one is particular about eating healthy, you may find yourself or someone in the family falling sick with a cold or flu. A warm soup at such a time can do wonders. Flu-fighting soups are made from well-known ingredients for their anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that keep infection at bay.