Common Risk Factors for Hemorrhoids
If there is an abnormal swelling in the veins in the rectal region, then it makes bowel movements feel painful and uncomfortable. This condition is referred to as hemorrhoids. It is difficult to pinpoint a single cause for this condition. It can be caused by a variety of lifestyle factors. Knowing what increases its risk helps in preventing the condition from getting worse. Here are a few risk factors for hemorrhoids:
1. Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids are common in pregnant women. It is especially prevalent in those who are in their final trimester, when the growing uterus exerts pressure. This can result in the swelling of veins around the anus. In some, the condition might even occur after delivery, especially after vaginal birth.
2. Sedentary lifestyle
Being seated for extended periods can severely increase hemorrhoid risk. This sometimes makes the rectal muscles idle. This may lead to constipation in some, followed by extreme strain while passing stools. This subsequently increases the chances of getting hemorrhoids.
3. Bodyweight issues
People who are obese are at a higher risk for hemorrhoids The added weight may cause pressure on the veins in the rectum. Having too much fat deposition in the waist or abdominal region is what increases the risk for hemorrhoids.
4. Dehydration
If your body is constantly dehydrated, then it can lead to a variety of digestive disorders. This might be accompanied by constipation, which can be a huge trigger for hemorrhoids.
5. Fiber deficiency
Dietary fiber is important to ensure regular bowel movements and avert constipation. Regular consumption of a low-fiber diet can have a long-term influence on the body and drastically increase hemorrhoid risk.
6. Hereditary factors
If you have a family history of hemorrhoids, then you should be extra careful. Hemorrhoids can occur as one of the symptoms of a few hereditary disorders like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). You should get moving, lead a healthy lifestyle, and manage your weight if you aren’t doing so already.
7. Other health conditions
Hemorrhoids can be one among the many complications arising from other digestive illnesses. It could be due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in some. If you have ulcerative colitis and are not careful about avoiding trigger foods, then you might put yourself at a higher risk for hemorrhoids.