Healthy Eating Tips for Schizophrenia Patients
Diet and exercise play a significant role while treating mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Psychotropic drugs can lead to fluctuations in weight, and this makes it even more vital for people with schizophrenia to pay attention to the little details when it comes to their everyday diet. The nutrition tips for schizophrenia patients mentioned below can help prevent mood swings and reduce other symptoms effectively.
Simple diet and nutrition tips for schizophrenia patients
1. Add lots of fruits to your diet
The key is to focus on fruits that help in replenishing the body’s dietary fiber levels. With this, the patients would be able to improve their digestive health and prevent the adverse effects of accumulating bad cholesterol in the body. Fresh fruits can keep the blood clean and healthy.
2. Omega-3s from fish
Fatty fish products are known to be critical sources of omega-3 fatty acids. This ingredient is known to be a critical component in psychosis treatment and prevention as well. Adding salmon to the diet might be a good idea for people with schizophrenia.
3. Vitamin B12 sources is essential
Healthy sources of vitamin B12 are shellfish, tuna, eggs, and chicken. This vitamin has the potential to lower schizophrenia symptoms. Adding food items containing vitamin B12 would be an excellent way to make the psychotropic drugs work better.
4. Include zinc sources in the diet
Sea animals like crabs and oysters are among the most delicious sources of zinc that can be very helpful for people with schizophrenia. Besides seafood, you will also find this in beans, chickpeas, and peas. Adding nuts like cashews and almonds can also help in boosting zinc levels in the body, thus lowering the symptoms.
5. Avoid certain foods
PAH patients should avoid food items that are loaded with added sugars and artificial sweeteners. Processed food items, as well as those that contain refined carbohydrates, can sometimes worsen the mood.
6. Balanced diet and portion control matters
One of the most reliable nutrition tips for schizophrenia patients is that they should pay attention to the quantity of micronutrients and the calorie intake. A drop in the levels of essential nutrients in the bloodstream significantly increases schizophrenia risk. It is imperative to be mindful of the portions to maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain induced by the medications. Even a balanced diet, when taken in excess, can lead to weight gain in schizophrenia patients.
These nutrition tips for schizophrenia patients are practical and easy to follow. Irrespective of the treatment option recommended by the doctor, dietary changes like the ones mentioned above will be useful in improving the efficacy of treatment.